Our Governors
Our Nursery School is Governed by the Federated Governing Body of Rosegrove Infant and Nursery Schools.
Our Governors are fully committed to supporting both schools to achieve the highest possible standards and outcomes for all children.
The Governors of the Federation of Rosegrove Nursery and Infant Schools will provide leadership and challenge to support and enable the schools to thrive in an ever-changing world. A holistic approach will ensure an inclusive and welcoming environment for the whole school community. Children will be safe, valued and nurtured.
The Governors value and support the unique nature of the Federation. They aim to protect the Early Years expertise that gives all children the firm foundations, that will equip them with the skills, and a positive outlook on life, as they learn and grow.
Our Chair of Governors: Mr N Yates
Our Governing Body: Z Johnson, I Roche (Vice Chair), N Edwards, S Brammer, J Barlow, S Jones, L Renshaw, S Duxbury, S Kemp, K Fort .
The governing boDY has the following core strategic functions:
To establish the strategic direction by:
- Setting the vision, values, and objectives for the school.
- Agreeing the school improvement strategy with priorities and targets.
- Meeting statutory duties including safeguarding.
The governing body is the key strategic decision-making body in the school, setting the strategic framework and ensuring it meets all its statutory duties. Raising achievement is at the heart of a governing body’s strategic role; every child has the right to attend a good school.