PE, Sports and ACTIVITY
PE Days in school 2023
Monday - Year 1
Tuesday - Year 2
Wednesday - Year 1
Thursday - Year 2
Friday - Reception
Children should have a labelled PE kit in school consisting of Velcro pumps or velcro/suitable trainers, black or navy shorts/joggers and a white, black or navy t-shirt.
We recommend that PE kits are taken home every half-term to be washed.
60 Active Minutes
To supplement the physical activity outside of curriculum time our playground is now 'zoned'. Some activities will be led by an adult who will encourage personal best challenges using flashcards. All zoned areas are signposted with a range of equipment available for independent physical activity/play. Playtimes are fun and engaging and have particularly made our lunchtime periods a happier and safer time. The children have said that they enjoy playing with their friends even more within the zoned areas.
Afterschool Clubs
Afterschool clubs take place every Tuesday, to provide children with additional opportunities to practise their fundamental movement skills and provide them with different sporting experiences. The after school clubs are offered to all children across school, during their time with us at Rosegrove and at some stage throughout each school year.
Sports competitions:
As part of the Schools' Sports Partnership we are invited to attend cluster competitions, providing the children with an opportunity to represent Rosegrove and compete against other schools. The cluster competitions are a brilliant way for the children to gather an understanding of teamwork, resilience and fair play, and ultimately an opportunity to have fun with their friends.
Freddy Fit:
Having fun with the children! He will visit us again this year too!
Healthy School:.
We love birthdays, but we are a Healthy School, so if you would like to celebrate your child’s birthday with their class, we encourage you to buy a class book and write a birthday dedication in it from your child. The teacher will read the story to the children.
We only hand out sweets in school as a special treat at special times of the year/celebrations.
School has an important role in reinforcing health messages.
We learn about the body in PE and Science.
We promote healthy eating and healthy lunches.
We grow and cook our own produce.
We provide lots and lots of opportunities for active learning.
We keep parents informed about children's physical health and wellbeing.
We use our Sports Premium to support activity/PE.