Summer 1 LEarning 2021
Y2 Home Learning – Summer 1
Along with all the activities and objectives provided there is also a list of generic apps and websites. This is for you to access to support your child’s learning. Input any of the objectives below to find appropriate and relatable activities.
English – Our current expectations for Summer 1 are for children to be confident and competent in each of the objectives below:
- Select, generate and effectively use nouns.
- Select, generate and effectively use verbs.
- Create compound words using nouns, e.g. whiteboard and football.
- Select, generate and effectively use adjectives.
- Identify, generate and effectively use noun phrases, e.g. the blue butterfly with shimmering wings (for description),
- Add suffixes ful or less to create adjectives e.g. playful, careful, careless, hopeless.
- Use suffixes er and est to create adjectives e.g. faster, fastest, smaller, smallest.
- Select, generate and effectively use adverbs.
- Use suffix ly to turn adjectives into adverbs e.g. slowly, gently, carefully.
Complete the activities below in the book provided, trying to link in as many of the objectives as you can that are displayed above.
- Write interesting sentences using adjectives, nouns, verbs and adverbs.
- Write interesting sentences using compound words.
- Create your own word searches using suffix’s and get your helper to find them.
- Draw and design your own cartoon character and use expanded noun phrases to describe it.
Maths – Our current expectations for Summer 1 are for children to be confident and competent in each of the objectives below:
- Recall doubles to 15+15 and the opposite halves.
- Count on and back in 1’s from any two digit number.
- Recall pairs that total 20.
- Recall odd and even numbers.
- Find the difference between two numbers.
- To subtract a 2 digit number form a 2 digit number.
- Count in 5’s from any small number.
- Recognise ½, ¼ and ¾ of shapes and numbers.
- Solve mathematical problems
Any activity/activities that you complete in relation to these objectives need to be recorded in the book provided or sent in via the class email which is accessed through our school website.
Science – This half term we are learning about living things and their habitats.
- Complete the activities on the following link.
- Look outside in your outdoor space for living things. Record what you find and their habitats in your book.
Geography - This half term we are learning about maps
- Use Google Earth to locate different places including our school, your home address and different landmarks in Burnley.
- Learn your address and postcode off by heart and write it in your book.
- Draw a bird’s eye view of a room in your house.
Computing – This half term we are learning about digital presentations.
- Create a simple digital presentation using Word or PowerPoint on your favourite hobby. Can you include: pictures, different coloured text and different fonts?
Art – This half term we are learning about the artist Lowry.
- Research and write some interesting facts about Lowry.
- Look at some of his artwork and create your own picture in the style of Lowry.
RE – This half term we have looking at Hindu Dharma.
- Follow the link provided to access video content.
- In your book record the names of the different Hindu gods, what they represent and what people offer to the Gods.
PSHE – This half term we are learning about ‘What jobs people do’.
- List different things we need to spend money on.
e.g bills, food, clothes
- Draw different jobs that people can do and list what jobs your families do.
- Talk to your helper about different jobs. Think about the different skills are needed for different jobs and what these may be.
- Draw 3 different ways we can keep our money safe.
Music – This half term we are learning to sing the song ‘Zoo Time’.
- Follow the link provided to access the song. Use the username: 94776 and the password: Lancashire’ to log on.
- Click on ‘Yumu’ at the top of the screen. Then click on Yumu packages and scroll down to the unit Zoo time. View in Yumu.
- Complete the different lessons in order.
PE – This half term we have been carrying out handball and practicing our movement skills.
- Practice: throwing and catching, running, hopping, skipping, jumping, rolling a ball and bouncing a ball.