autumn 2 learning 2020
Y1 Home Learning – Autumn 2
This is for you to access to support your child’s learning. Input on Google any of the objectives below to find appropriate and relatable activities.
Phonics – Our current expectations for Autumn 1 are for children to be confident and competent in each of the objectives below:
- Practice holding the pencil correctly and writing the lower case letters correctly.
- Use this link to see how we write our cursive letters (remember to click the cursive button)
- Learn the sound and the letter name for each phase 3 and phase 5 sound below.
- Make up your own sentences, say them aloud and practice holding it in your head, before having a go at writing it. Remember to put a finger space in between each word.
- Practice reading and writing words with initial and end blends (Phase 4). Write them in sentences and write them in your books.
- Phonics play is free to play at home. You have been sent the login details from your class teachers learning email address.
Maths – Our current expectations for Autumn 1 are for children to be confident and competent in each of the objectives below:
- Learn number bonds and number facts within 20. E.g. pairs of numbers that make 10 (6+4 =10) (5+5=10)
- Doubles – E.g., double 3 is 6.
- To count in multiples of 2, 5 and 10.
- To identify odd and even numbers linked to counting in 10’s from 0 and 1.
- You can find games to support these on –,, the White Rose Maths and BBC Bitesize year 1 Maths.
- English – We will be writing facts and stories about, the North and South Pole, materials and their properties and exploring stories linked to these topics:
- Write sentences about the North and South Pole. Focus on keeping your sentence in your head when writing it down focusing on the sounds and tricky word we have been learning in phonics.
Science – This half term we are learning about ‘Materials and their Properties’. In particular, To distinguish between an object and what it is made of.
- To distinguish between an object and what it is made of.
- Look around your home, what are different objects made from?
- Can you describe their material e.g. bendy, stretchy, and hard?
- Can you say why it is made from that material?
- Carry out a waterproof investigation to see which objects are waterproof and which are not. You could make a list of all your findings.
- Also carry out a blubber investigation –
Geography - This half term we are learning about the North and South Pole.
- Use google earth or a globe to locate and name the Polar Regions.
- Talk about the features and animals you would see there.
- Talk about the weather and climate of these regions.
- We are also looking at changes within weather. You could make a weekly weather chart and record the different types of weather.
- Find different ways to measure how deep a puddle is.
History – We are learning about Guy Fawkes.
- Have a look on Espresso (log on details sent by the learning email) to find facts about Guy Fawkes.
- We are also comparing historical artefacts linked to Burnley Football Club.
- Complete the activity below by sorting the images to items use ‘Now’ and ‘In The Past’