Summer 2 Learning 2020
Have a look at the summer term 2 learning overview. We will also be posting weekly learning for English, Maths, P.E, Computing and PSHE.
The learning overview and the weekly updates are there to support throughout the Summer 2 term. Please do not feel it all has to be completed but have a go and choose the lessons and activities appropriate for your child.
If you have any questions at all about LEARNING or you would like to send in photos or descriptions of what your child has been doing, please use the email link above for Mr Swift (Diamond) and Mrs Ashworth (Sapphire). They will endeavour to answer your queries/offer support as quickly as possible.
There's so much you could do together. Send photos! Make it fun! We all know that these are unusual circumstances for the children. Let's turn these times into happy memories for them together, where we can! :)
Mrs Renshaw
Summer 2 Learning
Please click on this link to see the learning for the Summer 2 term → Summer 2 Learning
Weekly English and Literacy Home Learning Read and Respond Unit
Click on this link to access the week 1 resource document → Year 1 - Week 1
Click on this link to access the week 2 resource document → Year 1 - Week 2
Click on this link to access the week 3 resource document → Year 1 - Week 3
Click on this link to access the week 4 resource document → Year 1 - Week 4
Click on this link to access the week 5 resource document → Year 1 - Week 5
Click on this link to access the week 6 resource document → Year 1 - Week 6
Click on this link to access the week 7 resource document → Year 1 - Week 7
Click on this link to access the week 8 resource document → Year 1 - Week 8
Click on this link to access the week 9 resource document → Year 1 - Week 9
Click on this link to access the week 10 resource document → Year 1 - Week 10
Click on this link to access the week 11 resource document → Year 1 - Week 11
Click on this link to access the week 12 resource document → Year 1 - Week 12
Maths - Number of the Week
Number of the week - Week 1
Number of the week - Week 2
Number of the week - Week 3
Number of the week - Week 4
Number of the week - Week 5
Number of the week - Week 6
Number of the week - Week 7
Number of the week - Week 8
Number of the week - Week 9
Number of the week - Week 10
Number of the week - Week 11
White Rose Maths - Home Learning
Click on this link to access the home learning activities from White Rose Maths. Each lesson has a video to watch and then an activity to complete → White Rose Maths - Home Learning
P.E - Year 1 & 2 Stay at Home Programme
Activity Timetable - Week 1
Activity Timetable - Week 2
Activity Timetable - Week 3
Activity Timetable - Week 4
Activity Timetable - Week 5
Activity Timetable - Week 6
Activity Timetable - Week 7
Activity Timetable - Week 8
Activity Timetable - Week 9
Activity Timetable - Week 10
P.S.H.E Lessons
Lesson 1 - Relationships - Our Special People
15-30 Minute Computing Activities
Activity 1 - You will need to download Scratch Jr which is a free app in order to complete activity 1.
You can share your completed project with your class teacher. The instructions for these are here - Sharing Instructions.
Activity 2 - You will need to download Pic Collage which is a free app in order to complete activity 2.
Activity 3 - Involves the Book Creator app. Go on an at home ‘safari’ and find as many animals
and plants as you want. Take photos and record your voice into the book. Discuss the differences between plants
and animals. Include images from the Internet if critters in your home are feeling a bit shy when you look for them!
Activity 4 - In this activity your child will take photographs of people or household objects and edit them to
make collage, a la David Hockney!
Music – This half term we are learning about rhythm and pulse and how we can use our bodies to make rhythms.
-Watch the body percussion lesson presentation → Click Here and complete the activity → Click Here
-Watch the rhythm and pulse lesson presentation and complete the activities → Click Here
-Make your own clapping rhythms up and see if someone can copy them. Can you add different body part sounds to make it trickier?
-Follow the hand clapping music and dance lesson → Click Here
-Ask your family if they know any clapping playground games. Look here to find some ideas, https://www.realplaycoalition.com/activities-for-kids/hand-clapping-games/ or ask an adult to help you find some on the Internet, there are lots on YouTube. Learn and perform them with a partner. Can you change the words or make your own up?